Welcome to Roboclub!

We are Carnegie Mellon's premier student-run makerspace.

How to Join →

What We Do


At our core, Roboclub is a makerspace: we provide tools, parts, and equipment for members to use to build any kind of projects they want to. We try to ensure the space is open as much as possible so that members aren't restricted to limited hours in which they can work.

Check out what our club space provides here: Club Space →

Club Projects

Roboclub has a few long-term projects which have gained special status, such as Robobuggy, Quadrupeds, and RobOrchestra. These teams are always looking for new hands to help!

Check out the list of Club Projects here: Club Projects →

Jack pushing Robobuggy

Workshops and Trainings

Roboclub's officers are always here to help with members' projects, and this includes by running training sessions throughout the semester. Stop by to learn about programming, circuits, CAD, PCB design, soldering, machining, and more!

Small Helpful Research Grant (SHRG)

Have an idea for a small project, but don't know how to fund it? Roboclub's Small Helpful Research Grants help fund and support club members' projects! Once you submit your short project proposal, you'll get to present your idea at our monthly(ish) SHRG meetings. This is a great opportunity to get helpful insight and feedback from our club's officers before you begin your project.

Red Robot

Red Robot is Roboclub's annual hardware hackathon, running in the second half of the Fall semester! This beginner-friendly event is open to students all over CMU. Teams are provided with a hardware kit and two days to build their own robot to participate in a competitive challenge that changes every year.

Interested? Find more info here: Red Robot →

Red Robot 2024 Group Photo

How to Join

If you're interested in joining Roboclub, feel free to visit our club space to talk to an officer about joining. You can view if the club is currently open on Doortron.

And we have a lot of fun!

Roboclub spontaneity Roboclub spontaneity Roboclub spontaneity Roboclub spontaneity Roboclub spontaneity Roboclub spontaneity Roboclub spontaneity Roboclub spontaneity Roboclub spontaneity Roboclub spontaneity Roboclub spontaneity Roboclub spontaneity

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