Official Club Projects
These are long-running projects within Roboclub which have been given special status. Some are competition teams, while others are independent projects with a specific goal.
Combat Robotics
Carnegie Mellon Combat Robotics is CMU's largest combat robotics team, competing in the NHRL Norwalk competition.

Robobuggy is Roboclub's foray into CMU's Buggy competition. Our team has built several autonomous buggies and we hold the robotic course record.
Accessible Prosthetics

The Quadrupeds project is a new project at Roboclub. We are designing and building an autonomous-capable quadruped robot from scratch, including custom actuator design and a ROS2-based autonomy stack.
ReFilament is a project to build an effective tool for recycling waste plastic from our failed 3D prints back into usable printer filament.

In RobOrchestra, we make musical instruments that play themselves, and write code to generate our own music. We're currently working on getting our instruments to play along with humans. All majors welcome, no experience required.